Sixteen years ago, on a stormy Cape Town winter’s evening, a Research Manager and a Brand Manager found themselves sharing a hot chocolate and solving the world’s problems. The Brand Manager had been the recipient of so many market research studies over the years, with little time in an ever-busy schedule to put that knowledge to its best use. The Research Manager was all too familiar with the production line of multiple departments and standardised methodologies, and longed to go back to the basics of connecting with consumers.

It was this night that Curiosity Matters was born. We knew exactly who we wanted to be: curious in our quest for the answers to the right questions, with old-fashioned values underpinning our approach to, and treatment of, that precious knowledge. We like to think of ourselves as craft researchers. We embrace innovation and evolving techniques, but we never forget to treat the ingredients of our work – our clients, our consumers, the research questions, insights, and data – with the care, time, and respect that they deserve.

We do the work ourselves, the right way. Because we control the process ourselves from the first question to the last answer, we are quick, flexible, and cost-effective. Every project is designed to make sure that you get exactly what you need out of it. We are known for being strategic, but practical in our recommendations – we discover it, make sense of it, and guide you to your best decisions, and we adapt any project to its local market for the best results. We have experience across a wide range of categories and offer our services around the globe – in South Africa, or wherever you are.

Sixteen years is no accident. With the inevitability of change, Curiosity Matters. Always.


We understand consumers and translate this understanding into solutions for your business. Areas of specialisation include both qualitative and quantitative market research, be it online, mobile or face to face, as well as in brand consulting services and training.

Qualitative research
– digging deep

At times there is no better way to understand the thoughts, feelings, actions and psychology of your consumers than to simply talk to them, observe them, or a bit of both.

Quantitative research
– when the numbers count

We tailor data collection and analysis to your needs and budget, within a wide range of methodologies, from quick intercepts, to product placement tests, sensory evaluation, tracking studies and segmentation.
Contact us for a full list of services.

Hybrid methodologies

Mixing up the words and the numbers within a study has major benefits in providing quantification for more scientific decision-making, and rich context for meaningful analysis and recommendations, or development of more focused quantitative questionnaires.

Brand consulting and training

Consulting with the consumer at the centre

  • Assisting you in brand positioning development, concept development, consumer profiling, and innovation strategies
  • Training sessions to upskill your teams in crafting the words for concepts, briefs or brand positioning
  • Facilitation of workshops in brand positioning and strategy, and innovation and ideation

We’re based in South Africa but bring our Curiosity to the world.

International research services
These times have taught us the true meaning of no boundaries. We will deliver high quality work in your market, whilst you benefit from attractive currency-related cost advantages.

Where we’ve worked:
Africa: South Africa, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Swaziland, Uganda and Zambia
Middle East and Northern Africa: Egypt, Morocco
Australasia: Australia
Global study partnerships: UK, USA and Sweden


From hair care to pet food, we’ve researched it all

  • Personal care, face care and hair care, with specialisation in the African market
  • Homecare and detergents
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Food, nutrition and QSR/fast food
  • Consumer pharmaceuticals
  • Health and wellness
  • Baby care
  • Pet care
  • Motor vehicles, petroleum and engine oil
  • Furniture, appliances, electronics and hardware
  • Financial services and insurance
  • Sports
  • Textiles, apparel, retail and industry


Sandra Vieira: Director

+27 82 896 1783

Carol Stewart: Director
Cape Town

+27 73 713 6074